A Nova Escola do Imperador(2006)
É sobre Kuzco, um adolescente egoísta e mimado que deve resistir aos desafios da escola pública e passar em todas as matérias para se tornar um imperador. Sua amiga Malina o ajuda a andar na linha, enquanto a perversa Yzma (que se disfarça de Diretora Amzy) e seu parceiro bobalhão Kronk, tentam fazer Kuzco fracassar.
Elenco principal

Curtis Armstrong
Mr. Moleguaco (voice)
Justin Cowden
Guaca (voice)
Rip Taylor
The Royal Record Keeper (voice)
Shane Baumel
Tipo (voice)
Bob Bergen
Bucky (voice)
J.P. Manoux
Kuzco (voice)
Patrick Warburton
Kronk (voice)
Jessica DiCicco
Malina (voice)Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - Cara de Coelho
O treinador exige que Kuzco ganhe uma corrida para passar em sua matéria.

3 - A Febre do Kuzco
Kuzco wants to buy a new bike that is really expensive, but he finds out that he cant dip into the Royal Funds unless hes sick, so he decides to fake sick by coloring orange spots on his face with Chacas orange crayon.

4 - Imperatriz Malina
Kuzco está animado por Malina ser coroada Imperatriz no baile da escola.

5 - As Aventuras do Homem de Rã de Árvore de Olhos Vermelhos
Yzmas science class is dissecting frogs, so she turns Kuzco into one so he can be dissected! Instead, he becomes a “hero” known as the Red-Eyed Tree Frog Man.

7 - Só os Incorretos Sobrevivem
Kuzco, Kronk and Malina are given a class assignment that involves their survival skills. They are forced to stay overnight in the wilderness without anyone or anything. Just when they finally get there camp set up, Kuzco accidentally gets it destroyed.

9 - A Batalha do Bots
Kuzco resorts to cheating and stealing Yzmas inventions during a required invention fair. He steals her Woodbot and it begins rampaging around the kingdom and it heads towards the school!

10 - Meninas Que Se Comportam Esquisitamente
Malina sai da equipe de líderes de torcida e se sente perdida na escola.

12 - A Grande Luta
Kuzco teases a student named Kavo thinking he is just joking around. Kavo, who gets mad about it, decides to beat Kuzco up. Kuzco then hides all over the school and even turns himself into a cat to avoid Kavo.

15 - O Novo Animal do Imperador
In Home Economics class, everyone is given a kitten to take care of for a week. Once again, Yzma tries to make him fail by turning the kitten into a jaguar.

16 - Camponês Durante um Dia
Sr. Moleguaco faz Kuzco a conhecer a vida de camponês por um dia.

17 - Dia do Biscoito da Fortuna
Todos os dizeres dos biscoitos da sorte de Kuzco começam a acontecer!

18 - Tolos Dourados
When Kuzcos attempts to earn money for the cartcycle that he wants to buy fail miserably, he turns to an old legend about magical creatures that are supposed to hand over their gold to you if you catch them.

19 - O Mistério de Micchu Pachu
A turma vai visitar a antiga (e mal-assombrada) cidade de Micchu Pachu.

20 - Ôpa, Todos os Rabiscos
After a mask is stolen, Yzma wants to blame Kuzco for taking it. Kuzco, Malina, Kronk, Yzma, and the Security Camera all tell their side of the story. That is, until Pacha tells them the truth.
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